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Noki 6

Noki 6 is the notorious “The Shell’s Secret”, “Choki 6”, an infamous run killer. It’s also a very popularly liked and heavily practiced shine by many runners.

Entering the Secret


Cliff Entry


Classic Ropes

Harder execution, less weird quirks

Nashi Ropes

Easier execution, more weird quirks

The Secret



Blue Cycle


True Green Cycle (No platform skips)


Galapagos (Green Cycle with platform skips)

Warning for the Ending

At the end of the secret, many people fall issue to what is known as floor cucking. Due to how the spinning cog is angled at the end before you grab the shine, it can cause you to clip through the end of the block if you arrive at the right time at the right place (right where most people arrive with True Green Cycle, the most popular RTA strat).

Looks familiar?

Due to how the green peg is placed and the block’s angle, you can have a danger to clip on this face of the cog. You can avoid this by avoiding the red square, by jumping from farther back/left/right, or with alternate movement.