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Index of external links to useful software.

  1. Game Tools
    1. Guides
    2. Wii Homebrew Apps
    3. Emulator
  2. Speedrun Tools
    1. Timers
    2. Streaming Software
    3. Input Displays
      1. Software
      2. Hardware
    4. Video Tools
    5. Video Downloaders
    6. Misc Tools
  3. Analysis Tools

Game Tools

Tools used to play and practice SMS.


Wii Homebrew
Full homebrew tutorial complete with requisite software. It’s recommended to complete every step – HackMii, BootMii, NAND Backup, Priiloader, cIOSes.

SMS Practice Codes
Cheat codes for Wii and emulator used for practice and to do IL speedruns.

Practice Codes Guide
Full tutorial for setting up practice codes.

Wii Homebrew Apps

Game loader app used to practice with cheat codes and run ILs; removes region locks; not used for RTA runs because of inaccurate loading times and lag. Use the latest version, 6.498 or later; 6.489 is also fine but earlier/later versions often have problems..

Gecko OS
Game loader app used for SMS RTA runs; removes region locks. *Links to just the program; installation same as Nintendont.

Swiss Loader
Game loader app required to run PAL SMS at 480p, and to run cheat codes with accurate loads and lag; removes region locks. Link is to full tutorial with requisite software.

Memory card and save manager.

Controller input visualizer.


Dolphin Emulator
[Settings Guide]
The only emulator used to play SMS on PC. Use the latest beta version; never use the stable version.

Speedrun Tools

Tools used during speedruns.


Standard speedrun timer.

Standard visual autosplitter for LiveSplit; ask in the Discord for split images and setup info. To get consistent window sizes when capturing windows in AutoSplit, use Sizer. Video tutorial here.

Streaming Software

Standard streaming software. OBS Settings

  • Frame rate should be set to either 29.97 or 59.94 to reduce dropped/repeated frames. Not 30/60fps
  • Multiple audio tracks are useful in seperating discord, microphone, or music audio from the gameplay audio. Tutorial Here.
  • Check out the tutorial on Replay Buffer to avoid continuously recording when practicing or doing ILs.

Kushview Element
Audio plugin host for microphone sound processing; example plugins here.

Input Displays


Input display software for used with GameCube input display hardware.

Tron-Style GameCube Skins
Standard skins for Nintendospy made by Aliensqueakytoy.

Input display sofware for use with Dolphin emulator; works out-of-the-box.


Electromodder ESS Adapter
Currently the only known sold input display (also an ESS adapter that can be toggled, for SM64 and OoT).

Build your Own Input Display
A guide on soldering your own input display with an arduino.

Video Tools

Tool to instantly and lossless trim, crop, and convert videos, and edit audio tracks.

Tool to retime and frame-analyse ILs and full runs.

Find more of our video tools and in-depth explanations here.

Video Downloaders

Local command-based downloader, can be used with GUIs to make it more user friendly.

cobalt tools
Online downloader for youtube, bluesky, twitter, twitch, and more.

Alternative online downloader for YouTube.

Alternative online downloader for Twitch.

YouTube Cutter
Allows cropping before downloading; a bit buggy so recommend including an extra 5s at the beginning of the crop).

Misc Tools

Chrome Remote Desktop jsmpeg-vnc
Remote-desktop tools to stream OBS/LiveSplit/etc. to another computer, useful for e.g. single-monitor setups where you have an additional laptop. Chrome Remote Desktop will stream the whole desktop over the internet, while jsmpeg-vnc streams a single window over LAN.

Analysis Tools

Tools for analysing speedruns.
Split hosting website that lets you compare segments, combine splits to see best world segments, see extra details, and host races.

Any% World Segment Calculator
A spreadsheet tool to convert your split file into world segment history and bests.

Petey Pattern Tool
An app tool to analyse the probability of a Bianco 5 Petey pattern.