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Pianta 3

Pianta 3 requires well-timed damage boosting to make it through the fiery goop.

Beginner - Right Side Damage Boost

This is a very basic strat that loses roughly 6 seconds to the intermediate damage boost.

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  • Perform jump dive rollouts following the pattern below until reaching the tree
  • Stand at the base of the tree and allow a wind spirit to hit you
  • Using the invincibility frames from the wind spirit, jump dive into the goop and rollout to the rail
  • This will cause Mario to ledgegrab the rail. Walk forward and jump dive and rollout through the safe spots in the goop
  • Spin jump, sideflip, and jump up the structure until reaching FLUDD
  • Jump onto the platform with the gold mushroom, the sideflip out from under it
  • Hover back to the edge of the gold mushroom, ledgegrab, then spam spray and talk to the mayor and collect the shine

Intermediate - Normal Boost, No GWKD

This strat loses roughly 2 seconds to the advanced strat.

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  • (Jump) dive and rollout across the bridge following the pattern in the video below
  • Triple jump dive then rollout between the Piantas and stopping at this spot at the edge of the fiery goop

  • Allow the wind spirit to knock you forward into the goop, then jump dive, rollout, and jump dive onto the rail
  • Rollout onto the box and sideflip (or spinjump) onto the mushroom
  • Sideflip dive on the platform, hold back and peform a small rollout, and sideflip up to the next platform
  • Jump up to FLUDD, jump to the next platform, and sideflip out from under the gold mushroom
  • Hover back to the edge of the gold mushroom, ledgegrab, then spam spray and talk to the mayor and collect the shine

Advanced - Normal Boost, GWKD

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  • (Jump) dive and rollout across the bridge following the pattern in the video below
  • Triple jump dive then rollout between the Piantas and stopping at this spot at the edge of the fiery goop

  • Allow the wind spirit to knock you forward into the goop, then spin jump dive and rollout onto the rail
  • Spin jump dive to the mushroom, then insta-momentum spin up left towards the ledge
  • GWKD off the ledge by pressing Y+A+B, then hold right and ground pound onto FLUDD
  • Jump to the next platform, and sideflip out from under the gold mushroom
  • Hover back to the edge of the gold mushroom, ledgegrab, then spam spray and talk to the mayor and collect the shine