Pinna 1
Pinna 1 is the roller coaster rocket fight with Mecha Bowser. It includes 2 cutscene skips, and several different rocket strats.
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Entering the park is the same as Pinna 1, 3, 7, and 8.
One Slide
-Tap jump, then dive.
-Instead of performing a rollout, bellyhop (press B) directly after which leads into a waterslide.
To get through the entrance with a single slide requires some maneuvering between obstacles. The image above highlights two main points to avoid bonking off. The easiest way to do this is by first leaving a bit of space between Mario and the wall. After sliding past the forward-facing section of the wall, you can then hold the control stick forward and in toward the wall. Once Mario is sliding against the side you should be able to slide through freely without bonking. Notice that holding in towards the walls also help to avoid bonking on the further ahead wall and noki at the entrance.
The Park
Notice that there is no intro cutscene to mash through when loading into the park. This means you can start moving Mario during the fade in.
Waterslide or hoverslide forward, taking care not to bonk on the poles or merry go round. Make sure you have a decent waterslide speed into this next part, a cutscene skip that saves about a minute.
Cutscene Skip #1
Make sure to have decent speed on your waterslide (start farther back if you bonk, near the tree with the coconut) and pause as you slide between these pink pillars. Aim for the middle so you don’t bonk.
Exit Area, and you will continue to slide into the loading zone, skipping the cutscene and saving around a minute.
The Fight
- It is important to make sure to have the digital R input held down before pressing analog R to fire the shot. This removes the RNG of the rocket firing up or down.
- Don’t fire the rocket on the same frame as you are on top of another rocket. This will result in your first rocket exploding immediately. JP 1.0 only, all other versions patched this glitch.
- When firing a rocket, it won’t aim in the very center of your screen. Instead it aims slightly above
DM Shot
DM Shot is the first shot you take and is named after an old runner Dark Magician, and uses Mario’s left ear and a polygon verticie the roller coaster as a visual cue. Aim to be between these two screenshots, red box marking the visual cue. This shot should always be attempted, as if you miss it you won’t lose time due to where the second rocket is.
You want to aim to fire the rocket either right before or right after you pass the second rocket, and then turn and spam spray the rocket you just passed. Some people find this to be easier in Y-Cam mode. From here is where the strats differ in speed.
No early 4th rocket
Early 4th rocket grab AFTER 3rd
Early 4th rocket grab BEFORE 3rd
Cutscene Skip #2
This cutscene skip saves even more, just over 2 MINUTES, thus it is very important you get it. The visual cue is to pause the frame you see the explosions from the pieces that fall off of Mecha Bowser (you CAN pause a few frames before they are visible, but it is not recommended).
Shine Grab
Movement is jumpdive, rollout, and jumpdive again before the shine spawns. You should be close to touching the shine (or even touching it!) if you did the movement well.