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The glitchy wall kick (GWK) is a wallkick that sends you in the opposite direction of the angle you would have gone with a normal wallkick. It is performed by pressing Y then A. You have a 2 frame window for these inputs. Press A on the frame after the Y press, or the frame after that. This is typically done by rolling your thumb from Y to A, easiest on the Gamecube controller due to the button placements.

If you press Y before you wallslide, you override that reflection and it acts as a normal wallkick.


The glitchy wall kick dive (GWKD) is the same as a GWK but you want to press B as well as A, giving you a dive.
Used in Pianta 3 Advanced Strat and others.


The glitchy wall kick hover (GWKH) is the same as a GWK but you cancel the Y-Cam immediately with a hover input. This is different compared to GWKD because you want to press R slightly later depending on the situation.
Used in Bianco 2 Advanced Strat mounting the windmill and others.

Tutorial by DutchJ