Gelato Beach Skip (GBS)
Getting the coconut to the hut
Walk the Coconut (slow)
- Spray the coconut from the tree while on the ground, or climb up the tree and grab the coconut once you land on top of the leaves.
- From here, you can simply walk the coconut to the hut.
Grounded Throw (fast)
- Spray the coconut from the tree while on the ground, or climb up the tree and grab the coconut once you land on top of the leaves. If you climb the tree, run off and land on the ground.
- Line your camera up with the boardwalk and do a small jump and throw the coconut at the peak of your jump.
Tree Spray
- As you approach the tree, you can either rollout and hold R to spray the coconut down during the rollout, or you can Y-Cam during the rollout and spray the coconut down this way. From here you grab the coconut and preform a grounded jump-throw
Late/Safe Tree Throw
- A slightly harder strat then tree spray, but easier than normal tree throw.
- Optimal movement from spawn is jumpdive, small rollout, spinjump dive into waterslide. Rollout as you approach the tree (small rollout to maximize waterslide distance) and spinjump dive onto the tree.
- Line up your camera as you climb the tree like this.
- You can also hold B as you climb the tree to buffer a grab and immediately grab the coconut. You can also time a ground pound to grab the coconut faster, but it is harder.
- You can also line your camera up as you run off the tree and throw the coconut very late in your descent, close to the ground. When you throw the coconut in your jump animation will affect how much momentum the throw has. This has a low chance of going into the water unless your angle is far off.
Optimal Tree Throw
- Same approach as Late/Safe Tree Throw Tutorial
- Line your camera up with the boardwalk, run off the tree leaves and throw the coconut as you become airborne. The earlier you throw the coconut as you are airborne, the farther it will go.
Video Example of a near perfect tree throw
-FoundYourGun, 2023
RNG Spam Spray
- Jump on the mirror silo on the right of the tree, jump off and spam spray the coconuts out of the tree. This has a large variable of RNG to it. It can result in the world record or can send the coconut flying into the water.
Video Example of a near perfect coconut RNG spam spray
-Fech, 2020
The Setup
- First tip, always make sure your camera is to the right of Mario, or facing the direction of the coral reef before pressing L to center your camera. Centering the camera from the left or right sides results in different angle units. This is one of the leading causes of a failed GBS. Here is a visual example.
Standard Method (slow)
Video Tutorial by Samura1Man (2019)
Video Tutorial by Bounceyboy (2014)
This is the original setup for the skip, and still used by many today.
- As you run towards the last bend, you want to do a running throw to have the coconut land in front of the hut. Dive and rollout, or just simply hover or jump towards the fence post immediately on the left. Ledgegrab the fence post, then press L to snap the camera behind Mario.
- Make sure to not tilt the left stick left or right at all while Mario is on the ground. This will ruin your angle. If you see the camera move left or right, this is a giveaway you may have lost your angle.
- Do short hops while only tilting the left stick in the air to orient Mario in front of the coconut, and pick up the coconut.
Here you have a few options of getting up onto the roof.
- You can do a backflip and hold up. Pretty fast and easiest.
- You can do short hops backwards to position Mario for a triple jump up onto the roof. Slower, but could be easier for some
- You can do a short hop, and do a buffered spin jump up onto the roof. Make sure to buffer the spin jump while you are in the air, or else you may ruin your angle. Fastest, but more precise.
Roof Throw (fast)
Video Tutorial by shoutplenty, 2023
- As you approach the hut, do a small hop and throw the coconut at the peak of your jump. You want to jump when Mario reaches this point in the boardwalk.
- Do a spin jump, and cancel it with a hover once you are at the same height as this edge of the roof.
- You will do an instant ledgegrab on this ledge of the roof. Do a short hop out of this, and dive and keep holding B to dive into and grab the coconut.
- You can snap your camera with L either as you grab the coconut, or as you grab the ledge of the roof.
Video Example of an optimal roof throw -FoundYourGun, 2021
The Clip
Standard Method
Video Tutorial by Samura1Man (2019)
Video Tutorial by Bounceyboy (2014)
- Now on the roof, you want to align Mario’s feet with this position on the roof. It stands out via the dark horizontal roof texture.
- Drop the coconut while the stick is neutral, then start holding forward to run into the coconut.
- You will clip at the corner of the hut. Time a hover to hover up into the roof with Mario’s hat barely being visible.
- The roof has a curve to it, needing you to reduce your speed to stay in line and not clip out of the bottom of the roof.
- If you clip out above the roof, this means you had too much speed and needed to further reduce your speed by holding back more while hovering.
- This is a balancing act that you need to react to, that gets easier with practice.
- One in the center of the roof, in the blender, release your hover and fall into the shine.
Other notable variants:
Beginner Backflip Roof Setup (preference)
Video Tutorial by shoutplenty
Stickless (preference)
Video Tutorial by Trustfall
Yossy Spot (super fast)
Video Tutorial by Jpep
Backflip Throw (super fast)
Video Tutorial by DutchJ
Instant Backflip Turnaround (IL)
IL Video by sbeve