Pianta Early
Pianta Village’s entrance is a red pipe high on top of the Shine Gate. This is difficult to climb for a casual without the use of either Yoshi (requires Pinna 4 shine) or a rocket (30 shines).
No Momentum Spin, No Awning Jump, Spinjump + Y-Turn
Beginner, Recommended
- Lock the camera with L, then dive and rollout up-left notch
- Spinjump up-left and wallkick dive onto the yellow roof, holding forward and preserving your momentum into your running speed
- Jumpdive onto the yellow roof, rollout and jump
- Hover across to the grass and spinjump wallkick hover up to the white ledge
- Jump and do a landing spinjump, and press Y very shortly after your jump. Not at the same time
- Its important to finish spinning just before you land, so you are holding forward and let Mario run for at least one frame to have enough speed/height. More details on spinjumps
- Right when you enter Y-Cam, hold left to turn and once you reach a 45° angle to the wall, press Y to exit Y-Cam then hold A to wallkick (or double tap A holding the second press, but using Y to exit Y-Cam provides the best muscle memory for infinite wallkicks
- Hover backwards onto the Shine Gate
- Jump and tap hover and fall into the pipe
Triple Jump
- Hoverslide forwards and slightly to the left, take care to not reenter the M behind you
- Hover into the wall and do a landing spinjump, or buffer a running spinjump into the wall and spinjump, up through the awning
- Bounce up and dive once you rise above the roof
- Rollout onto the green roof, holding forward and preserving your momentum into your running speed
- Jumpdive onto the yellow roof, and do an instant momentum spinjump off the tip of the roof. Hover at the peak of your jump to avoid a ledgegrab on the white ledge.
- Alternatively, you can also simply wallkick off the white part of the shine gate.
- Do a triple jump with some speed and hover at the peak of your jump (4 frame window)
- Turn around and ledgegrab the Shine Gate
- Jump and tap hover and fall into the pipe
Momentum Spin, Spinjump + Y-Turn
- Hoverslide forwards and slightly to the left, take care to not reenter the M behind you
- Hover into the wall and do a landing spinjump, or buffer a running spinjump into the wall and spinjump, up through the awning
- Bounce up and dive once you rise above the roof
- Rollout onto the green roof, holding forward and preserving your momentum into your running speed
- Jumpdive onto the yellow roof, and do an instant momentum spinjump off the tip of the roof. Hover at the peak of your jump to avoid a ledgegrab on the white ledge.
- Alternatively, you can also simply wallkick off the white part of the shine gate.
- Jump and do a landing spinjump, and press Y very shortly after your jump. Not at the same time
- Its important to finish spinning just before you land, so you are holding forward and let Mario run for at least one frame to have enough speed/height. More details on spinjumps
- Right when you enter Y-Cam, hold left to turn and once you reach a 45° angle to the wall, press Y to exit Y-Cam then hold A to wallkick (or double tap A holding the second press, but using Y to exit Y-Cam provides the best muscle memory for infinite wallkicks
- Hover backwards onto the Shine Gate
- Jump and tap hover and fall into the pipe
Spinjump + Y-Turn Variant (dive rollout)
- Same as Spinjump + Y-Turn, but you do a dive and a small rollout on the white ledge of the Shine Gate. Saves about 0.6s.
Fech Entry
Video Tutorial by planktonsecretformula